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APPLY NOW: Coal City University (CCU) Annual Essay Contest for Nigerian Students 2024

The yearly essay contest hosted by Coal City University Chancellors encourages students to improve their writing skills, gain confidence, and demonstrate their creativity. It contributes to raising awareness of contemporary global issues among young people. Its goal is to encourage and awaken the young mind’s initiative and capacity for creative thinking toward sustainable growth. Furthermore, the essay contest aims to encourage society to learn from the children and acknowledge that it is our common obligation to address these concerns.


In today’s interconnected world, social media has developed into a powerful force that influences the lives of young people all over the world. Youths all around the world are negotiating the complex environment of social media, where virtual connections cross borders and digital interactions have far-reaching consequences for their identities, relationships, and futures. As you embark on this voyage of discovery and contemplation, we welcome you to investigate the complex impact of social media on youngsters, a topic that is relevant not just in local communities but also on a global scale. Let us unravel the complexity, face the problems, and imagine the potential of social media’s impact on the beautiful fabric of Nigerian youth culture.

Benefits of CCU Essay Competition

To encourage participation and reward excellence, the proposed prizes would be awarded:

  • First Prize: 500,000 naira or Full tuition fee scholarship in Coal City University for any choice of course and a Certificate of Achievement
  • Second Prize: 250,000 naira and a Certificate of Achievement
  • Third Prize: 150,000 naira and a Certificate of Achievement
  • All Shortlisted Students: Consolation prizes and a Certificate of Participation
  • Other Awards (Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable.

Requirements for CCU Essay Competition

  • Any student in Senior Secondary School (SS1-SS3) who registers for the contest may submit an essay.
  • The essay’s length should be between 700-1000 words, and the title of the essay and the author’s name should be typed at the top of the first page (these are not included in the word count limit).
  • The essay should be in British English.
  • Participants should submit their registration and entry online via the University’s website, Only one entry per person will be accepted.
  • Submissions must be original, and plagiarised essays will be rejected.
  • Co-authored essays will not be accepted.
  • The organizers would be assigned the copyright of the entered essays.
  • The deadline for submission is May 6, 2024 (11:59 pm WAT), and participants must strictly adhere to it.

Application Deadline

May 6, 2024

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to Coal City University (CCU) on to apply.

Essay Topic: “Social Media As a Double-Edged Sword”

For more details, visit CCU website

About Ivy Durbin

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